Thursday, May 21, 2015

Why Hello There, Beautiful ;)

How many of us have scrolled down our Facebook feed and seen posts from women (and men!) that have showed their self-hatred? I know I have. It makes me sad that beautiful people cannot see their own beauty. There are many sources to blame. Let's not focus on who or what is at fault, let's focus on the solution. Each day I will give my readers one task. JUST ONE... calm down. The task will be in a separate blog. So stay posted and feel beautiful. LET'S MAKE THIS WORLD BEAUTIFUL AGAIN.

My first post is going to be on the definition of beauty.

A bunch of gibberish right?! Let's break it down, barney style.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." - Margaret Hungerford
So beauty is defined as a combination of qualities (looks, personality, something, anything) that is pleasing. Pleasing to whom? It doesn't say! There isn't one this in that long, drawn out definition that says YOU ARE NOT THE BEHOLDER. So let it be you. How can you expect anyone else to see you as beautiful, when you do not?

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this! I know that the way we see ourselves, our sense of identity, affects everything we do. It affects the way we act, the way we see and treat others, the way we feel about ourselves, and the way we make choices. It affects the very way we live our lives.
