Saturday, May 23, 2015

Defining Ugly

Don't you just love that quote?

So let's start talking about your views of why you are ugly... We are only using this word to make it feel more real. No one should feel this way. It doesn't matter if you fit what the magazines say. It doesn't matter if you are in the gym so much you practically live there. It doesn't matter if you wear makeup or do your hair better than most models. What matters is how you feel and what you see in yourself.

Here is the actual definition:

(Picture found at

Even the actual definition is "ugly". Why does it have to be 'especially in appearance'?! Why can't it say, "she thought a person had an ugly and rude attitude?" I googled a few definitions and found one I fell in love with. I think Meriam-Webster should revise...

(Picture found at


If anyone uses the word ugly to define themselves physically, it is because someone or something else put it in their minds that this is what they are.  You are not ugly in my book unless you are an immoral, unethical SOB.

So... Does anyone reading this fit the better definition? If you do, you have some soul searching to do.

*Blondes have more fun... Not true. I am blonde and I am pretty sure my redhead friend has more fun than me.
*Brunettes do it better... Do what better? Crochet? Knit? Skydive? I mean maybe...

Stereotypes are destroying women. So... Live by this one rule when it comes to talking to anyone, especially a woman.

BE THAT DRUNK GIRL IN THE BATHROOM WHO COMPLIMENTS ANYONE ON ANYTHING. Because we all love that girl... which reminds me of a couple of memes I've seen.

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

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