Saturday, May 23, 2015

My Day 2 Task


  1. My awful mood swings... and I mean these get nasty.
  2. My nasty habit of smoking.
  3. My lack of energy.
  4. I could be more giving to others.
  5. My thighs have more dimples than I can count.

pssttttt.... notice it is bigger? cause it's more important... #justsayin

  1. My eyes sparkle.
  2. My laughter makes others laugh... most ridiculous laugh you'll ever hear.
  3. My smile is contagious. I like to smile at random strangers on the street to brighten their day.
  4. My tiger stripes (stretch marks) that I earned carrying my two precious children,
  5. My ability to raise those precious children.
  6. The love I have for my family and friends.
  7. My hunger for knowledge and learning new things.
  8. I see things in others that they cannot even see in themselves... and I am not quiet about it (this blog for example).
  9. My strength through all my daily struggles.
  10. The fact that I can take all the bad things from my past and forgive myself or others for them, but not forget. If I forget then I cannot remember to learn from them.
Now how do I plan on fixing my "uglies"? Well that is what today's post is about!
SPOILER ALERT.... It might be your task for day 3 :)

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

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