Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sorry for No Posts

For anyone following me daily, I apologize for my lack of posts this week. I have decided to move to one post a week with 2 tasks a week.

Again I apologize. But my posts will be bigger an better now!

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

Check out this website

From the bottom of my heart I thank all military members who wrote the blank check to the American government and for especially for the ones who had it cashed in. Thank you.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Task for Day 4

Spend the Sunday with what you love!

  • Devote it to God.
  • Devote it to your children.
  • Devote it to your significant other.

Try to keep the TV off.

Trust me... One day with no TV will teach you more about yourself and family than you ever knew.

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

Find Something That Makes You Beautiful

A lot of self esteem issues stem from boredom. Too much time on our hands to consider our flaws and mistakes. A hobby is a great way to fix that.

I have several hobbies to get me through my boredom. I enjoy going to the gym. I am there everyday with my kids, because they love the play area. Not only does it keep me busy, but it keeps me healthy.

Studies have shown that the endorphins released during exercise help fight depression and stress. If you have self image issues, working out will build your confidence. They don't call it getting you bikini body ready for no reason.

Working out covers both the mental and physical issues. So for me, it is a win win.

If you are not the type to be found in the gym... maybe you are the one who only runs if a wild pack of zombies are chasing you... there are many other hobbies that bring happiness to the soul. Volunteering is a great choice.

It has been shown that doing good for others brings a self gratification that reduces stress and anxiety, It is hard to hate yourself when everyone else loves you.

I do not want to push religion on anyone. That is not what my blog is all about. But if it is an option for some of you, then why not talk about it. Having a belief in a higher power has been proven to reduce depression. Psychology and religion do go hand and hand. Join a church. Be active in the church. There are so many group activities involved within a church that it is hard to not be busy.

I am sorry for such a short blog. But it is Sunday... and my Sunday's are spent with family. You will see what I mean in the task for day 4.

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Task for Day 3

So... We found out our "uglies".
We have identified the problem.
Well that is the first step!
Second step is to make a game plan on getting your UGLY list to ZERO.

  1. Why do you feel this makes you ugly? Is it because you consider it ugly? Or do other people think it is ugly?
  2. What can you do to change it? And by you changing it, I mean YOUR opinion, not anyone else's.
  3. Each time you conquer an ugly... write it down on a peice of paper... as big as you can... THEN BURN THE SUCKER. And poof, it's gone forever.

FYI... No one else matter's in this world.
What you see through your eyes, heart, and soul is the only thing that counts.

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

Defining Ugly

Don't you just love that quote?

So let's start talking about your views of why you are ugly... We are only using this word to make it feel more real. No one should feel this way. It doesn't matter if you fit what the magazines say. It doesn't matter if you are in the gym so much you practically live there. It doesn't matter if you wear makeup or do your hair better than most models. What matters is how you feel and what you see in yourself.

Here is the actual definition:

(Picture found at

Even the actual definition is "ugly". Why does it have to be 'especially in appearance'?! Why can't it say, "she thought a person had an ugly and rude attitude?" I googled a few definitions and found one I fell in love with. I think Meriam-Webster should revise...

(Picture found at


If anyone uses the word ugly to define themselves physically, it is because someone or something else put it in their minds that this is what they are.  You are not ugly in my book unless you are an immoral, unethical SOB.

So... Does anyone reading this fit the better definition? If you do, you have some soul searching to do.

*Blondes have more fun... Not true. I am blonde and I am pretty sure my redhead friend has more fun than me.
*Brunettes do it better... Do what better? Crochet? Knit? Skydive? I mean maybe...

Stereotypes are destroying women. So... Live by this one rule when it comes to talking to anyone, especially a woman.

BE THAT DRUNK GIRL IN THE BATHROOM WHO COMPLIMENTS ANYONE ON ANYTHING. Because we all love that girl... which reminds me of a couple of memes I've seen.

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

My Day 2 Task


  1. My awful mood swings... and I mean these get nasty.
  2. My nasty habit of smoking.
  3. My lack of energy.
  4. I could be more giving to others.
  5. My thighs have more dimples than I can count.

pssttttt.... notice it is bigger? cause it's more important... #justsayin

  1. My eyes sparkle.
  2. My laughter makes others laugh... most ridiculous laugh you'll ever hear.
  3. My smile is contagious. I like to smile at random strangers on the street to brighten their day.
  4. My tiger stripes (stretch marks) that I earned carrying my two precious children,
  5. My ability to raise those precious children.
  6. The love I have for my family and friends.
  7. My hunger for knowledge and learning new things.
  8. I see things in others that they cannot even see in themselves... and I am not quiet about it (this blog for example).
  9. My strength through all my daily struggles.
  10. The fact that I can take all the bad things from my past and forgive myself or others for them, but not forget. If I forget then I cannot remember to learn from them.
Now how do I plan on fixing my "uglies"? Well that is what today's post is about!
SPOILER ALERT.... It might be your task for day 3 :)

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Task for Day 2

Time for Day 2 Task!
This one is a little more challenging then yesterday's...
...but it is more rewarding.

Here are the steps:

  1. Get a piece of paper and fold it in half.
  2. Label one side UGLY and the other side BEAUTY
  3. Start writing down reasons you think your ugly/beautiful.
  4. Include qualities, habits, and anything at all!

I do not want you to share them with me. I want you to recognize them. Once you do, you'll be able to fix the ugly side and start loving yourself.

Tomorrow, I will post mine. That way, you will see you are not alone.

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful.

Who am I?

You probably sat there and read my first blogs saying, "well who is this chick to tell me how I should feel?!" Well everyone, let me use this blog to introduce myself.

  • My name is Ashlee (Bossi) Graziano. I am a mother of two beautiful children, with number three in the making. I have a husband who serves this country in the military. I am unemployed, so yes, I am a stay-at-home-mommy. I work 24/7/365. I have a passion for math, which gives me the title of super nerd.
  • I was not very popular in school. To be frank, I was a bitch. I had zero self-esteem. I may have been physically appealing... but my attitude and personality made me look like a gremlin. It took a long time for me to realize that.
  • I got married to my first husband incredibly young. I was only 19. Then the first of many miracles happened... I got pregnant with my gorgeous son. Fast-forward two years, I am divorced from my husband. He was emotionally abusive. Nothing I did was right. Nothing I said was right. Not even how I looked was right. He tried changing me for the worse, and I ran. (Don't ever settle for anything less than what you deserve/expect)
  • Divorced at 21... that was rough. I hated myself more than anything. I wasn't strong enough to keep my marriage together. I didn't even think I was pretty enough to date again. Especially with stretch marks and a c-section scar. But... I was so wrong.
  • I met my current husband about 2 years after my separation from my first. Now this man... ladies find one like him because he treated me like a queen. Everyday it is "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL", "YOU MAKE ME HAPPY", and a few others that shouldn't be publish ;). Shortly after, we accidentally created my second miracle, our pretty princess (aka our daughter). One year later, we got  married and are currently living our happily ever after.

How did I go from self-hating to loving myself? I TOOK CARE OF ME FIRST! But wait, this should make me a bad mommy... Putting myself before my kids. Nope. Not even a little... If you can't stay strong and feel amazing, unable to care and love yourself... HOW CAN YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR LITTLE'S?! If you are a woman reading this, do you want your daughter to hate herself? If you are a man reading this, do you want your son to lack self-esteem? How can you teach your children to be strong and loving if you cannot show them how?

Now do you see the reason I wanted to start this blog?! I hope so. Everyone should be living their fairy tale. You can't though, if you don't believe you deserve it.

There is more to my story and I am positive more will come out in future blogs. I am sure 99.9% of you can relate with my story. Feel free to ask questions or comment your own advice! Stay tuned for the task of Day 2!

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Follow me on Social Media





Task for Day 1

Crap... It's the homework...
P.S. It's graded... just kidding

Do this as many times as you need to... preferably until you are laughing so hard at yourself you can't breathe.

Keep the love and Find Yourself Beautiful!

Why Hello There, Beautiful ;)

How many of us have scrolled down our Facebook feed and seen posts from women (and men!) that have showed their self-hatred? I know I have. It makes me sad that beautiful people cannot see their own beauty. There are many sources to blame. Let's not focus on who or what is at fault, let's focus on the solution. Each day I will give my readers one task. JUST ONE... calm down. The task will be in a separate blog. So stay posted and feel beautiful. LET'S MAKE THIS WORLD BEAUTIFUL AGAIN.

My first post is going to be on the definition of beauty.

A bunch of gibberish right?! Let's break it down, barney style.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." - Margaret Hungerford
So beauty is defined as a combination of qualities (looks, personality, something, anything) that is pleasing. Pleasing to whom? It doesn't say! There isn't one this in that long, drawn out definition that says YOU ARE NOT THE BEHOLDER. So let it be you. How can you expect anyone else to see you as beautiful, when you do not?